I used to have the impression you were either an Are You Afraid of the Dark? kid or you were a Goosebumps kid.  I never had a conversation with anyone about this, and had no reason at all to come to this conclusion. Honestly, it would make sense that if you liked one of these shows, you were more than likely to also be into the other.  I wasn’t though.  I loved Are You Afraid of the Dark? and knew jack shit about Goosebumps.  Never read a Goosebumps book, never watched an episode, just didn’t really care at all.

But now that I am living in a never-ending nightmare of proportions so large, most dystopian sci-fi writers are rethinking all their best “this is how society fell 2000 years ago” explanations and taking notes as their daily news plays.  To put it bluntly; life on planet earth is a disaster it is often best to disassociate from.  This is why nostalgia rakes in piles of money.  It makes us feel good to surround ourselves with memories of a time where we had yet to understand the shittiness of things.  Every smell, every taste, every color scheme, sends our brains into comfy little corners of our minds where things like living in a theocracy and the seasons disappearing had not yet infiltrated our realities. 

So, with that being said, I am now fully invested in nostalgia.  I have videos of old commercials playing off in the background quite often.  I love the YouTube compendiums of Christmas or halloween commercials from the eighties and nineties.  I remember how much I fucking hated them at the time.  The only useful thing about them was it gave you time to get a drink and during the holidays they served as a good jumping off point in letting a potential gift-giver see, in action, how awesome some random toy you wanted was.  But now?  I can’t get enough. Even for products now long defunct, the jingles remind me of things I haven’t thought about for decades.Things that have absolutely nothing to do with worrying about perishing in a global pandemic, or losing rights to my own body.  By those standards, I’d say, nostalgia is where it’s at.

As you can see this site got a bit of a face lift, and I have started anew. Though, if you’ve been here for a while, you probably remember all if the previous AYAotD reviews I’ve posted.  Well, I plan on more of those at some point, but given all the 80’s and 90’s era crap I’ve been ingesting these days, there’s just so much more to cover. 

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